Perjalanan mengelola pelayanan medik, keperawatan dan penunjang di RSUP Dr.J.Leimena Ambon
The Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Administrative Reform approved the establishment of the central general hospital in Leimena Ambon by letter number B/764/M.KT.01/2019 dated August 30, 2019. It is also defined in Regulation of the Minister of Health No.34 on September 10, 2019, on the Organization and Operating Procedures of Leimena General Hospital.
RSUP Dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon is in charge of organizing comprehensive individual health services, education and training, and research and development in a harmonious, integrated, and sustainable manner. The Directorate of Medical, Nursing, and Support Services is in charge of overseeing medical services, nursing, medical support, and non-medical support. The hospital’s design planning began in 2016, followed by construction work in 2018-2019, and physical finishing in 2020. While medical equipment and other assistance are being provided in 2019-2020,
RSUP Dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna, pendidikan dan pelatihan, penelitian dan pengembangan secara serasi, terpadu, dan berkesinambungan. Direktorat Pelayanan Medik, Keperawatan, dan Penunjang mempunyai tugas melaksanakan pengelolaan pelayanan medis, keperawatan, penunjang medis, dan penunjang non medis. Perencanaan desain RS sudah dimulai pada tahun 2016, kemudian pekerjaan konstruksi dikerjakan pada tahun 2018-2019, dan dilakukan penyelesaian finishing fisik pada tahun 2020. Sementara peralatan medik dan penunjang lainnya dikerjakan pada tahun 2019-2020
On January 9, 2020, I was sworn in and assigned responsibility for the medical, nursing, and support services provided by the hospital.
On 29-1-2020, I came to Ambon and visited Leimena Hospital for the first time.
Preparations for the opening of services, which will be aided by volunteers and health professionals, are being managed by the Maluku Provincial Health Office, where some health experts will conduct training in the use of medical equipment in the intensive care unit on April 9, 2020.
On April 20, 2020, you will have the combined responsibility of receiving Personal Protective Equipment (APD) assistance supplies from the Ministry of Health for health professional services in charge of serving Covid-19 patients.
Patients’ identities are checked by laundry officers with their washed garments, according to data collected on May 31, 2020. This is one of the benefits of covid-19 patients’ inpatient care.
Petugas loundry melakukan pengecekan identitas pasien dengan pakaian mereka yang sudah selesai dicuci, data diambil tanggal 31 Mei 2020. ini merupakan salah satu value pelayanan rawat inap pasien covid-19.
In 2021, health employees were vaccinated in the following order: First, 633 health workers were vaccinated, 613 health workers were vaccinated second, and 592 health workers were vaccinated third.
The Indonesian Doctor Internship Program, as part of the unity of the health sector program, must contribute to carrying out services in hospitals. Leimena hospital received six doctors who conducted internships starting on September 13, 2021, for 1 year delivered by the chairman of KIDI Center (dr. Pattiselanno Roberth Johan, MARS)
During my visit to the head of the Maluku regional police (Irjen. Pol. (Purn.) Drs. Refdi Andri, M.Si.) on September 10th 2021, I was able to inform him of the activities of medical services operational in Leimena hospital and the cooperation of referral services between Leimena hospital and the Maluku police Bhayangkara hospital (Maluku police headquarters).
Pada tanggal 24 Juli 2020, pelayanan pasien Covid-19 yang sudah sembuh dipulangkan mendapatkan penjelasan resume pulang oleh dokter penanggungjawab pasien DPJP (dr.Kresna,SpPD) dan beberapa kondisi kesehatan tubuh yang harus dijaga, pola hidup bersih sehat, dan tetap menjaga protokol kesehatan. Didampingi Direktur Pelayanan Medik, Keperawatan dan Penunjang serta apoteker.
Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2020 sudah menerima pasien untuk pemeriksaan diagnostik CT-Scan 128 slice untuk pasien anak dengan hidrosefalus, tenaga kesehatan masih dengan tenaga kesehatan perbantuan
One of the neurosurgery procedures known as decompression craniectomy plus haematom evacuation was performed for the first time at Leimena Hospital on Thursday, June 17, 2021. The procedure was performed on a patient from Piru, West Seram Regency (SBB), who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in a single highway traffic collision, and was followed by a second neurosurgical procedure known as cranioplasty. The second procedure (cranioplasty), which involved reassembling the patient’s skull bone, was carried out at Wahidin Hospital in collaboration with a team of neurosurgeons led by Prof. DR. dr. Andi Asadul Islam, Sp.BS (K).
On July 25, 2021, the surgical team at Leimena hospital, in partnership with the Team of Prof. DR. dr. Andi Asadul Islam, Sp.BS (K), performed surgery with epidurolysis procedures in patients with a diagnosis of hernia nucleus pulposus, using comprehensive equipment.
The Best Integrated Heart Care Available (Unggulan Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu)
Leimena Hospital has an integrated heart service flagship that will be operational in 2021, beginning with cardiac emergency services in the emergency room and continuing with heart services in care. and cardiac services in intensive rooms, which are currently preparing for diagnostic heart services with cath lab facilities, are expected to perform heart therapy services using the cath lab by the end of 2022.
Rumah Sakit Leimena mempunyai unggulan pelayanan jantung terpadu dan sudah beroperasional tahun 2021 dimulai dengan pelayanan kegawatdaruratan jantung di ruang gawat darurat, pelayanan jantung di rawat jalan, dan pelayanan jantung di ruang intensif, saat ini sudah menyiapkan untuk pelayanan jantung diagnostik dengan fasilitas cath lab, pada akhir tahun 2022 diharapkan dapat melakukan pelayanan terapi jantung menggunakan cath lab
On October 25, 2020, one of the polyclinics with a high volume of outpatient visits, cardiac polyclinics, will offer diagnostic services via special ultrasound probes.
Pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2020 salah satu poliklinik dengan kunjungan rawat jalan yang cukup banyak adalah poliklinik Jantung, tersedia pelayanan diagnostik dengan menggunakan USG probe khusus
drg.Saraswati,MPH inked an agreement for Leimena Hospital to collaborate on cardiovascular referrals with Harapan Kita Heart and Blood Vessel Hospital, with dr.Iwan Dakota,SpJP(K) as director on November 23, 2021
Leimena Hospital has cath lab equipment and inked a stratified collaboration agreement with The Heart and Blood Vessel Hospital of Harapan Kita in December 2021. Cardiovascular referral, it is anticipated that the first operational cardiac diagnostics using the cath lab facility at Leimena Ambon Hospital will take place in March 2022.
RSUP Dr.Johannes Leimena mempunyai peralatan untuk pelayanan cathlab dimana pada bulan Desember 2021 sudah ditandatangani ikatan kerjasama dengan Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita terkait stratifikasi rujukan kardiovaskuler, diharapkan pada bulan Maret tahun 2022 akan dilaksanakan operasional pertama untuk diagnostik jantung menggunakan fasilitas cathlab RSUP Dr.Johannes Leimena Ambon.
The number of visits to outpatient, emergency, and inpatient treatments, including hospitalizations, will increase in 2021, demonstrating the capabilities of all health professionals and public confidence.
One of the best services owned by Leimena Hospital is integrated cancer illness care. We have buildings and rooms for the services of cancer patients and anatomical pathology examination capabilities. It is projected that in 2022 it will be able to run smoothly.
According to the financial papers from January 2022, Leimena hospitals have significantly boosted their revenues, going from 2 billion in 2020 to 16 billion in 2021. We must continue to improve the hospital’s quality service performance so that internal customers and external stakeholders are satisfied.
In 2022, we will add a specialist psychiatric polyclinic service and cath-lab and hemodialysis services.